
Horsham Downs的度假屋

在 Airbnb 上尋並預訂獨一無二的房源

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Horsham Downs最受歡迎的度假屋設備與服務

入住Horsham Downs熱門景點附近房源

Zealong Tea Estate31位當地人推薦
New World Rototuna9位當地人推薦
Good Neighbour9位當地人推薦
Rototuna Shopping Centre station7位當地人推薦
The Eatery & The Keg Room6位當地人推薦
Woodlands Estate - Homestead, Gardens, Venue5位當地人推薦
  1. Airbnb
  2. 紐西蘭
  3. 懷卡托
  4. Waikato District
  5. Horsham Downs